Magnum Carne Diem Product Info
After a full year of research, Magnum has unlocked the powers of L-Carnitine and solved the low absorbability, transport, and retention issues that have plagued all other L-Carnitine-based products. Carne Diem® allows your body to transport fat to your muscle cells’ mitochondria for use as energy without the need for an insulin spike, unlike other L-Carnitine based products. That means you can stay in a fat burning zone as opposed to a fuel storage zone, which is what happens when the body releases insulin. Carne Diem’s® secondary ingredients also force your body to choose fat as a fuel source over glycogen, which keeps your muscles full and pumped, even while on a low-calorie diet.
The two biggest problems with any form of Carnitine is how to transport it to the mitochondria where it can utilize fat cells for energy, and how to reduce the high urinary excretion of L-Carnitine so that enough stays in the body to do its fat mobilizing job. L-Carnitine needs the presence of insulin to do its job and the only way to release enough insulin is through the presence of carbohydrates or fatty acids from fish oils. The problem is that you don’t want to eat a big meal before bed, especially when you’re trying to burn fat. The last thing you want to do is spike your insulin. By keeping your insulin levels low, Carne Diem® ensures that your growth hormone levels are higher and your fat burning is optimized. By solving this dilemma, we not only increase the fat burning properties of L-Carnitine, but we also ensure we maximize the fat burning of growth hormone. So Carne Diem® is actually two fat burning solutions in one amazing product. So how do we ignite fat burning with L-Carnitine without increasing calories or insulin,
Magnum Carne Diem Nutrition Facts

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