Purica RECOVERY EQ Extra Strength Product Info
RecoveryEQ, is recognized by the prestigious Horse Journal as the “Best Performer Overall”.
RecoveryEQ contains Nutricol a proprietary mix of proven ingredients purified from grapes and green tea (de-caffeinated).
See the October & December ’03 pain-relief product comparison reviews in the prestigious Horse Journal (trial results comparing the most effective products for pain & inflammation)
How does RecoveryEQ work?
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
To understand how RecoveryEQ helps improve a horse’s quality of life*, let’s take a look at how cells behave when they are aging and/or damaged by trauma such as injury, surgery or over-training.
When a cell is irritated or damaged, or when it begins to age, its membranes break down. As a result, compounds contained within the cell walls are released into the cell matrix. Some of these substances, such as histamine, give rise to inflammation and associated pain.
Inflammation is a horse’s natural response to injury. Inflammation is characterized by redness, swelling, heat and moderate to intense discomfort. When a joint becomes inflamed, your horse may experience any or all of these symptoms. This can prevent the joint from moving properly, leading to stiffness and loss of function.
Researchers have found that the diseases of aging in horses such as arthritis, navicular and laminitis, have similar underlying factors: a decrease in cell stability leading to membrane damage and subsequent release of compounds that promote damage, spasm and inflammation.
The ingredients in RecoveryEQ work by stabilizing the membranes of the cells, promoting healing of existing damage and helping to prevent further damage. On a practical level, this means quality of life is improved, and you will see your horse experiencing the freedom to move.
RECOVERY EQ Extra-Strength with Nutricol and hyaluronic acid
This formula is exactly the same as RecoveryEQ with the addition of 100 mg of hyaluronic acid (HA) per scoop.
Additional Reported Main Uses:
-Excellent for Athletic Horses
-Improves Equine Endurance

Suggested Use:
Introduce gradually over a two week period to a concentrated dose of ½ scoop per 300 lbs body weight. Mix with food. After 30 ? 60 days it may be possible to reduce intake to ¼ scoop per 300lbs body weight.
*When oxygen is utilized by the body, it produces a highly reactive “exhaust” that is damaging to the cells. The reactive molecules in this exhaust are commonly referred to as “free radicals” or reactive oxygen species (ROS). While some free radicals play a necessary role in the metabolic process, an overabundance of them is believed by many researchers to be a primary cause of cell destruction, inflammation, degenerative “dis-ease” and aging. (Among the diseases attributed to increased free radical action are issues with overall health of heart, joints, liver, vision, blood sugar control, digestion, immunity and breathing.)
The bioactive components of Nutricol have been shown in numerous studies to curb the production of free radicals in animals and in humans. It is proposed that regular use of the product will help reduce the rate of cell damage attributed to free radical action.
Common RecoveryEQ questions
Is RecoveryEQ safe?
When developing products, Biomedica Labs makes effectiveness and safety the primary concerns. RecoveryEQ is a natural food-based non-drug supplement and has an ingredient profile taken from foods (grapes, green tea, etc.) that are consumed on a daily basis for prolonged periods of time by people and animals throughout the world and are considered very safe.
Is RecoveryEQ safe for pregnant and nursing mares?
RecoveryEQ is safe to administer to brood mares and many veterinarians have safely administered RecoveryEQ to pregnant and nursing mares over the past 14 years.
How much does RecoveryEQ cost?
The typical daily cost of RecoveryEQ to the consumer is far less than the cost of other treatments generally recommended.
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