Athletic Alliance Hydro Pro Product Info
HYDRO PRO - Hydrolyzed Whey induces substantially greater Insulinotropic effect than intact proteins triggering a powerful anabolic response. This means athletes area able to take better advantage of the Post Training Anabolic window.
HYDRO PRO is 100% unblended hydrolyzed protein. Hydrolyzed protein contains no lactose, no fat, no cholesterol, and no sugar. The pre-digested form causes no bloating and is the undisputed fastest absorbing protein on the market.
Additionally HYDRO PRO contains colostrum an immune stimulant protein consisting of, immunoglobulins, antibodies, proline-rich polypeptides (PRP), lactoferrin, glycoproteins, lactalbumins, cytokines (eg, interleukin, and interferon), growth factors, vitamins, and minerals.
Along with Probiotics, Protase, lactase & Anti Oxidants HYDRO PRO is the best possible protein source option for elite level athletes.


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