Advanced Genetics Carbon Fiber Product Info
• You can, and should, take it daily for optimal health.
• Carbon Fiber is naturally sweetened and contains no artificial colours.
Make Pooping Great Again!
In an age of ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting, low carb etc, getting enough fiber in your diet becomes almost impossible…until NOW! Carbon Fiber delivers a full 5 grams of fiber per single scoop – 100% naturally! On average, American adults eat 10 to 15 grams of total fiber per day, while the USDA’s recommended daily amount for adults is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.
So What's In Carbon Fiber
Psyllium – a soluble fiber that passes through the digestive system without being completely broken down or absorbed. It is derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata, and herb grown mainly in India. Psyllium is used to treat constipation, diarrhea, lowers blood sugar levels, aids in weight loss, lowers cholesterol levels, improves heart health, and acts as a prebiotic, helping with serious gut conditions like Colitis and Crohn’s.
Inulin – a powerhouse fiber that the body is unable to digest. It moves through the colon intact and feeds the good bacteria there. Inulin aids digestion by increasing the number of good bacteria in the gut, particularly Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. These bacteria help fend off unwanted pathogens (bad bacteria), prevent infection and stimulate the immune system. Inulin may help the body absorb more calcium. Inulin has been shown to be beneficial for people with prediabetes by helping manage blood sugar levels. Research is currently being done to explore the use of Inulin to prevent cancer.
How do I take Carbon Fiber™?
To temporarily suppress appetite: 2 scoops in 240ml water with meals. Take up to three times daily.
To lower cholesterol and improve heart health: 1 scoop in 240ml water up to three times daily.
For fiber supplementation: 1 scoop mixed in 240ml water up to 3 times daily.
Advanced Genetics Carbon Fiber Nutritional Panel

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