Allmax r+ALA Product Info
ALA is also an extremely potent antioxidant, so powerful it is known as the ‘Universal Antioxidant’. Anyone who trains regularly knows exercise can place a lot of wear and tear on your body. By supplementing with ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA you can protect your body from the oxidative damage associated with intense training.
R-ALA Complex
ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA Complex is a scientifically proven Nutrient Delivery and Antioxidant complex. Unlike competitive ALA Products, this complex supplies 125mg of the active R(+) isomer, the pure mitochondrial form of ALA naturally found in the human body. This specific isomer is the exact form linked to the beneficial properties of alpha lipoic acid.
Commercially available ALA Products on the market today consist almost entirely of the S (-) isomer of alpha lipoic acid. These inferior products have significantly weaker nutrient delivery and antioxidant properties.
1. What is ALA?
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an enzyme found naturally in the human body. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps cells convert glucose to energy. It increases nutrient delivery, deactivates cell-damaging free radicals and optimizes insulin activity thereby regulating blood sugar levels. It also helps the body use other antioxidants more efficiently.
2. Are there any side effects associated with R-ALA?
No, there aren’t. Research has shown supplementing with R-ALA to be relatively safe in moderate consumption.
3. Why is ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA called R-ALA? Is that different from ALA?
The R form, also known as racemic alpha-lipoic acid form of ALA is the active form. The body can efficiently use this form and is able to absorb and metabolize this form. Many commercially available ALA products on the market today consist almost entirely of the S (-) isomer of alpha lipoic acid. These inferior products have significantly weaker nutrient delivery and antioxidant properties.
4. Can I use ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA if I’m taking prescription drugs?
R-ALA shouldn’t interfere with your prescription drugs but it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor first before starting any supplement if you are taking any medications or prescription drugs.
5. How do I take ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA?
As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 capsules of R-ALA COMPLEX 2-3 times daily. Due to the nutrient delivery properties of this product, it is recommended to take R-ALA COMPLEX with meals, and/or supplements that require effective nutrient delivery into muscle cells - for example Krush4 and ISOFLEX protein powder.
6. If ALA is found in food don’t I get enough from the foods I eat?
You’re right! ALA is found in food sources such as spinach, potatoes and red meat. However, to derive the same benefits as supplementing with ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA you would need to consume an excessive amount of these food sources. It’s simply more convenient and cost effective to supplement with ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA.
7. How does ALA help me at the gym?
By supplementing with ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA during your workouts you’ll feel that much desired ‘muscle pump’. ALA helps to increase your muscle’s uptake of glycogen, so you’ll find your workouts are intensified by supplementing with R-ALA. Not to mention, R-ALA has been found to be effective in enhancing the efficiency of other supplements you might be taking such as Krush4 or IsoFlex. R-ALA can help facilitate the transfer of your supplements into the muscle cells. Additionally, while exercising you are putting your body through extreme stress which can lead to oxidative damage to the cells. R-ALA works to neutralize unstable free radicals.
8. I’ve noticed some creatines on the market already have ALA mixed in them, isn’t this more effective?
Actually, no. ALA can break down extremely quickly when it’s exposed to light and new packaging. By combining it with creatine formulas it might break down and will not be as efficient. By combining ALLMAX Nutrition R-ALA with a creatine supplement such as Krush4 you can experience R-ALA’s true potential.

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